
Finding a handbag factory in the UK – the search begins!

Where to start to find handbag factories in the UK?


A cursory glance reveals around a dozen potential manufacturers of bags in Britain, but my previous experience tells me that not all factories are made equal.

The type of bag factory that we are looking for will need to fill the following criteria:-

1. Small enough to be willing to work with a start up with small order quantities.
2. Large enough that they will be able to expand as our business grows.
3. Have the specialist machines that are required to make handbags, such as a post machine and skiving machine.
4. Be open and honest, as we will require them to provide us with a breakdown of the leather and material usage for each bag. Think this may be a sticking point.
5. Have a sense of humour!

Does this handbag factory exist, or will we have to set one up ourselves?

UPDATE 25:09:2012 the handbag business mentioned above never happened because this website took off and I decided to support other brands manufacturing in the UK instead.

Looking for a UK bag manufacturer? I can help. Click here for more details

Quickstart guide to working with a UK clothing manufacturer