As I mentioned in one of my first posts, we are trying to find a handbag factory in the UK that we can work with to develop our new British handbag brand.
A few phone calls to some of the bag factories listed in the UKFT directory yielded several that were based in London. As we are trying to source everything as locally as possible it would be great if we could find a factory close by to our base in the City.
Everyone that I’ve called has been very helpful, although it appears that the demand for factories manufacturing handbags in England is far out-stripping the ability to supply. Several of the manufacturing units that I spoke to said that they can’t take on any more new clients as they don’t even have enough machinists for the work that their current customers are giving them.
What I am finding is that there is a overwhelming desire on everyone’s part to help keep manufacturing alive in the UK, and if they are full to capacity then they have given me the details of other British bag manufacturers to contact.
Do you have any experience of sourcing leathergoods in the UK? or know of any handbag factories that would be willing to work with a fantastic new start-up? If so, please let us know.
UPDATE 31.05.2011: Since writing this blog post I have found so many inspiring brands and manufacturers in my search to find a UK factory that I now want to concentrate on supporting them in their dedication to keep these skills alive in the UK. I am now working on developing a business that will help do that. Please watch this space!