

BooHoo Leicester garment Manufacturing

BooHoo and Leicester Garment Manufacturing

We need to talk about BooHoo, and what they have done to the garment making industry in Leicester… Buckle up, this is not a pleasant ride. At its peak, BooHoo was making 1.5 MILLION garments a week in Leicester. Yes, […]

BooHoo's Made in UK Scam

BooHoo’s Made in UK Scam

In the world of clothing, various studies have shown that a “Made in the UK” label can be of great value to a brand. It symbolises quality, craftsmanship, and a commitment to ethical practices. However, recent events at BooHoo have

Made in UK Label

How valuable is a Made in UK label to your brand?

Do you ever wonder what consumers think about a made in UK label? Does it carry enough sway to encourage people to purchase? We look at the research and come to some conclusions… There have been several reports published over

Cost per wear

Cost per wear: Why UK-made is the smarter option

At Make it British we sometimes receive messages from people telling us that they can’t afford to buy British-made goods. But we’re here to tell you it may be the most cost effective option. When cost per wear is calculated,

How do we address the shortage of textile workers?

Thousands more textile workers are needed to meet the increasing demand for locally made clothing and textiles. Lobbying organisation Fashion Roundtable is working on a solution – but they need your help There has been a huge shift towards manufacturing

UK manufacturers coronavirus survey

Survey: Impact of coronavirus on UK manufacturers

Make it British surveyed UK fashion and textile manufacturers to find out if they have seen any impact to their business as a result of the Coronavirus outbreak. Many factories in China, where a large proportion of the world’s fashion

Why every manufacturer should be on Instagram

You’re a manufacturer so you don’t think it’s worth being on Instagram? Right? Wrong! If you are a UK manufacturer, especially if your customers are in the creative industries, you really should think about having an active Instagram profile. And

Manufacture in the UK

11 Benefits of Making in the UK

Do you have a brand that manufactures in the UK, or are thinking about making here? Here are 11 reasons why you should manufacture your product in Britain. 1. Minimum Order Quantities are Lower As a general rule of thumb,