

Fake it British – Cashing in on 2012

How everybody is using the Union Jack to sell their product this year, whether it is made in Britain or not Regular readers of this website, as well as those that follow me on Twitter, will know that one of my biggest […]

British manufacturing statistics

British manufacturing statistics

Think that there is no manufacturing left in the fashion & textiles industry in Britain? Here are a few facts and figures that prove otherwise OK, so we don’t make anywhere near as much in the UK as we used

Survey on UK manufacturing

Are you a clothing or accessories designer who works with UK manufacturers? Are you looking for a UK factory to make your products? Are you a UK manufacturer who makes clothing or accessories in the UK? If so, Make it

Some more interesting UK manufacturing statistics

Further to my post a while back with some interesting UK manufacturing statistics , I now have some more great findings* kindly given to me by Stoves, who still manufacture cookers in the UK from their Merseyside headquarters. Their survey

Is anything still Made in Britain?

…and what will happen when it no longer becomes cost effective to source from the Far East? These are a couple of the questions that I have been asking myself over the last few years. Having worked in fashion design